Head Office: 20B Corby Business Centre, Eismann Way, Corby Northamptonshire NN17 5ZB 0153 629 1907 / O736 120 8048
Branch: Home Comfort Healthcare, Room 30 Curzon House, Curzon Street DE14 2DH 0744 477 5781

Home Comfort Healthcare Limited
Palliative Care
When people are nearing the end of their lives, the majority of them believe that their homes are the best place for them to be. A home is commonly regarded as a safe haven because it is often brimming with wonderful nostalgia and sentimental recollections from years gone by. Being in a safe and familiar environment can help you have more fulfilling days by reducing the threat to your inner peace.

We understand that caring for a loved one nearing the end of life can be both emotionally and physically exhausting. It is obvious that the end of life affects not only the person who is dying but also all of their loved ones.
We will assist you in caring for your loved one and managing your household affairs so that you can spend quality time together as a family. This includes helping around the house as well as providing emotional and moral support to the family.
Home Comfort Healthcare works closely with NHS commissioners to provide a comprehensive approach to end-of-life care for you and your loved ones. We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity throughout their lives, and we will support you and your family through this trying time.
Our palliative care experts work hard to care for you and your family while also meeting your emotional, psychological, social, spiritual, and physical needs.
What are the advantages of receiving palliative care at home?

- To make you comfortable and familiar in your own house, as well as close to your loved ones.
- To provide you and your loved ones with physical and emotional support, as well as to make you as comfortable as possible.
- To supply you with companionship.
- To make sure your dignity is always maintained and your days are more rewarding.
- To provide you with an entire control over the care and support you receive at all times while maintaining the highest level of professionalism.
Your care plan will detail your personal care, medication administration, and food and beverage needs and preferences. We’ll collaborate with district nurses and your doctor to ensure that any necessary medical intervention is documented and discussed with your family.
In need of palliative care? Please get in touch with us. Our care team will respond quickly and do everything possible to care for and support you during your predicament.